Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing

What is Pranic healing?

There is­ a lot m­ore t­o­ ­­Pranic He­aling than ju­st­ he­aling ­part. It not­ only makes you­ aware of the ­a­ura aro­un­d ­t­­he­ huma­n bod­y -­ t­he ­’c­hakras’­ (energ­y centers) an­d their effects o­n our­ health, but al­so teaches ­us ­how to feel or scan the­ aura and determine ­whic­h parts of the chakras may be affected. By learning about energy, we become more conscious about its ubiquitous presence, be it in people, buildings or even objects.

Just by recognizing the existence of energy, we learn the possibilities of the healing process and bring in harmony and productivity to every aspect of our lives. Pranic Healers around the world have started using Pranic Healing for their businesses, homes, relationships, projects and studies with fantastic results.

Pranic Healing also teaches Pranic Breathing, a practice by which you literally breathe in the difference into your physical, emotional and energy levels by taking them to a more relaxed state of being. A dynamic meditation called the Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination is another dimension of Pranic Healing the enhances connection with the soul (the divine nature), and sharpens intuition and spiritual growth. A two-day course in Pranic Healing will give you a new way of living, turning you into a more dynamic and focused individual from within.



Pranic healing comes with two fundamental techniques

1.Cleansing and Energizing. Cleansing is a technique of removal of dirty energy from the affected areas and energy centres or Chakras. Once the affected areas are clean, then healer transfers fresh prana to that area to enhance body’s healing abilities.

2.These simple techniques in most cases can produce drastic changes in the patient’s condition in just one session! Such healing sessions must be repeated till the patients get a complete cure. For minor ailments just one session or a few sessions would be sufficient. But for Chronic diseases, it can take several months or sometimes a few years


Benefits of Pranic Healing

  • Parents can bring down the temperature of their children in just a few hours.
  • Cough and cold can usually be cured in a day or two.
  • Major illnesses such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems can be alleviated in a few sessions.

But there’s more, other benefits include

  • Improved health and increased stamina
  • Inner peace and happiness
  • Better memory and concentration
  • Rapid spiritual growth
  • Reduced stress
  • Better interpersonal skills
  • Greater self-esteem
  • Attain the ability to attract good luck and become more prosperous